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Keystone or Guillotine Dehorning

A keystone dehorner has two handles that move a blade downward against a plate or another blade, slicing through the base of the horn and surrounding skin.

Keystone or Guillotine Dehorning

A keystone dehorner has two handles that move a blade downward against a plate or another blade, slicing through the base of the horn and surrounding skin.

Advantages: Can be used in older cattle with large horns.

Disadvantages: Greater risk of exposed sinus, infection and blood loss; painful; may lead to set-backs in overall health and performance, including weight loss; requires follow-up care; poses risk of injury to the animal and handler.

Sedert 1926 verskaf Dr. Naylor Dieregesondheidsprodukte hoëgehalte, bekostigbare dieregesondheidsprodukte wat deur geslagte troeteldiereienaars vertrou is. Ons produkte word met trots in die staat New York gemaak en is geformuleer om effektief en sag op diere te wees. Ons is 'n familiebesigheid en is sedert ons stigting toegewy aan die gesondheid en geluk van diere. Ons produkte is ontwerp om die algemene gesondheid en welstand van jou huishoudelike troeteldier of plaasdier te bevorder. Probeer ons produkte en ontdek hoekom boere en troeteldiereienaars al byna 100 jaar lank op Dr. Naylor Dieregesondheidsprodukte vertrou.

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